SOLIDWORKS Collaborate with Your Team Remotely

Integrate your product development data with the cloud
SOLIDWORKS Collaborate with Your Team Remotely

In today's constantly changing environment, the uncertainty that surrounds businesses can have a significant impact on future outcomes and the dynamics of remote working.

As a SOLIDWORKS user, you have the ability to seamlessly integrate your product development data with the cloud, enabling continuous collaboration with your teams whether you're working from home or anywhere else.

With just an Internet connection, you can transform your business operations into a virtual environment for effortless information sharing, project management and community collaboration. Here's what you can do:

  • Effortlessly manage product design data and documentation directly within your SOLIDWORKS desktop.
  • Review and annotate designs by creating and distributing markups via a web browser.
  • Create communities to discuss product ideas and concepts with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Use project management tools to effectively define, assign and track tasks.
  •  Streamline operations with instant deployment, easy setup and maintenance, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership.

Find out more about enabling your teams to quickly share data, gather feedback and iterate on designs for faster, more informed decision-making.

Get your White Paper

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